Canada has been inviting more PNP candidates after the pandemic to reach the immigration plan of the year. The Federal government used TR to PT strategies to overcome the labor shortage. However, the Canadian government succeeded in the target plan and exceeded it by inviting 1500 more candidates. Now, Canada invites 1,082 PNP candidates to apply for the PR on its fourth PNP draw of the year. It is the third time Canada has broken the records by calling a high number of candidates. The PNP draw that was held two weeks ago invited 1,070 candidates. So, the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score for this draw was around 710, and the cut-off score is relatively high this time. Hence, as we can see, Canada has relaxed the immigration regulations; the Canada immigration consultants in Chennai are assisting the candidates in the immigration process extensively.
Express Entry system and its plan:
As we all know, Express Entry is one of the immigration management systems and is further classified into three immigration programs. The Federal Skilled Worker Program, Canadian Experience Class, and the Federal Skilled Trades Program are the major programs through which immigration processes. The territories and provinces of Canada operate PNP or provincial nomination programs and nominate candidates to the Express Entry system.
So, the plan for the Express Entry levels 2022-2024 is to invite 55,900 candidates through the EE programs. However, the number of candidates that Canada aims to admit in the following year is nearly half compared to the invitations of the previous years. The reason for the reduced invitation is Canada has more on its plates like clearing the backlogs, which is more than the immigration plan’s target. Similarly, IRCC has to process the TR2PR applications and settle 40,000 refugees of Afghans in the country.
However, Canada is also trying to invite 83,500 PNP candidates which are not part of Express Entry levels 2022-2024. These candidates do not come under the Express Entry system. The Express Entry levels for the next year will also see reduced immigration and aim to welcome 75,750 candidates in 2023. Hence, we expect the Express Entry level to return to normal in 2024 by inviting 111,500 candidates.
So, contact Aramvisas – the best Canada immigration consultants in Coimbatore, to know more about Express Entry-level and immigration relaxation.