The August month’s payroll employment and job vacancies Statistics Canada report show around 152,000 vacancies in healthcare and social assistance positions.
As well, this report measures the below factors:
- Several workers within Canada’s labor force are now receiving salaries,
- How much money do they make?
- How many hours do they work?
The report also examines job positions or vacancies that were before filled by a worker that is now unfilled for any cause.
By last August, there were 958,500 unoccupied workforce employed positions in Canada. Inclusive, the statement found little modification when compared to the data released in July, but still a significant change from August 2021 when there were 919,200 job openings.
Healthcare Reaches Record High Job Vacancies
The current report shows a record new high in healthcare job vacancies. As of August 2022, there are 152,000 unoccupied positions within the social assistance and healthcare sector. This is a rise of 0.4% over the June and July data for a total of 6.4%.
The available staff lack in hospitals has led to some having to provisionally close their emergency rooms or lessen other services.
To fill the healthcare system vacancies, Canada trusts deeply in immigration. 36% of physicians and a quarter of registered nurses in Canada are not Canadian-born. Though, overseas skilled medical experts can find it hard to get appropriate permitting from Canadian authorities, making it hard, if not impossible, for them to find work in their field and lessen the healthcare system pressure.
Apart from that, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is also now taking actions to make it easy for abroad skilled healthcare laborers to immigrate, like removing some of the barricades for doctors who are now in Canada on temporary residency visas.
Professional, Scientific, And Technical Services Increase Payroll Occupation
There was a small payroll employment increase in the expert scientific and technical services sector. In August, the total payroll employment in this sector increased by 5,200, or 0.4%. While Alberta and Quebec filled over 500 vacancies each, British Columbia and Ontario stated the most important improvements.
Most workforce employment increases were in computer systems design and associated services and organization, scientific and technical consulting services businesses, with 1,200 positions increased. In specific, computer system design is overtaking the growth rate of the total sector with increases of 65,900 positions occupied since September 2021.
In August, the number of job vacancies reduced to 59,600, which is consistent with the same period’s data from the previous year.
Wages Are Growing But Do Not Match The Consumer Price Index
Compared to August 2021, salaries showed a total 3.2% growth amount, a little bit higher than July’s 3% year-over-year growth. The growth rate can also replicate a wage change, the employment composition, and the number of worked hours. In this example, there was little alteration in the number of worked hours, over all divisions, in whichever month-to-month or year-over-year calculations.
In a similar period, the consumer price index (CPI) showed a growth rate of 7%, or more than 50% higher than the usual wage growth rate. This means that the good’s price and services are overtaking the usual Canadian salary.
The sector with the most important salary gains was the services-producing sector. For instance, finance and insurance professions experienced year-to-year growth of 13.9%, and occupations in the organization’s management and enterprises experienced a salary hike of 10.5%.
The goods-producing division and service-products division also exposed high levels of salary growth of over 3%. This contains businesses such as mining, industrial, oil, and gas extraction or, with slower growth, cataloging, construction, and forestry. Since August 2021, healthcare pay has grown at a slower pace of 0.9%.
In the educational services, Salary losses were reported, down 2.4% as well as pay for informational and social services, down 1.1%.
Don’t forget to contact Aram Visas whenever you need any support regarding immigration.