Inland spousal sponsorship candidates can work in Canada though their permanent resident applications are being processed. Read the below lines to know how it’s possible.
Spousal sponsorship is an essential element of Canada’s family-class immigration efforts, as Canada places a big importance on keeping beloved ones together in this country.
The bigger category of spousal sponsorship breaks down into two similar but still different sub-sections — inland spousal sponsorship and outland spousal sponsorship.
Knowing The Various Types Of Spousal Sponsorship
Understanding the two major variances between inland and outland sponsorship is crucial. However, the main difference between these subdivisions of spousal sponsorship is the following.
Outland sponsorship permits a Canadian to sponsor their spouse or common-law partner living overseas for permanent residence (PR) in Canada while inland sponsorship requires that the sponsor and overseas country being sponsored previously live together in this country.
However, there is one more relevant difference that must be recognized. Contrasting the outland sponsorship stream, inland spousal sponsorship offers the overseas country being sponsored the chance to obtain an open work permit while their application for PR in Canada is being processed. This is known as a Spousal Open Work Permit.
Spousal Open Work Permit
The spousal sponsorship applications service standard for the processing by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is around 12 months.
Consequently, spousal open work permits permit sponsored spouses and common-law partners who are living with their Canadian partner to search for work with any Canadian company of their choice as a conclusion is being made on their PR application.
Formed to ease the financial and emotional problem that may result from a long and difficult application procedure, the spousal open work permit allows the sponsored person in the relationship to make money without being knotted to a particular company or job, as is the case with some of Canada’s other work permit choices.
Open work permits under this program can be got without having a present job offer in place and these permits will be applicable for whichever two years or until the expiry date on the permit holder’s passport, either sooner.
Spousal Open Work Permit Eligibility Criteria
The spousal open work permit requires the below eligibilities:
* The overseas country and Canadian sponsor in a spousal or common-law relationship submit a permanent residence application through the Spousal/Common-Law Partner Sponsorship Immigration Program’s inland sponsorship stream.
* The abroad national work permit candidate has an applicable temporary resident position as whichever is a visitor, student, or worker in Canada.
* Both the abroad national candidate and the Canadian sponsor meet all eligibility necessities under the spousal or common-law partner sponsorship program.
If you need any help in getting the spousal work permit, then contact Aram Visas now. Our expert is always waiting for you to get the spousal open work permit!