In this blog, I would be sharing about what a CRS score is, why it is considered and the latest update on the express entry draw #107.
So, let me give you brief information about the CRS score.
What is a Comprehensive Ranking System score?
The CRS score is a score calculated out of 1,200. It is used to compare the federal economic applicants against each other.
It is a part of the Express Entry process. This came into the picture in the year 2015 in the month of January to process the residency applications.
The score is utilized as a cut-off point in the draws. It is drafted to project an applicant’s feasibility of being economically successful in Canada.
In order to get entry into the pool, the applicants must be eligible under the Federal Skilled Class, Canadian Experience Class or the Federal Skilled Worker Class.
Do you know, you can earn 600 points with the Canadian PNP? That sounds great, isn’t it? Yes. Those applicants who obtain a provincial nomination through an Express Entry aligned PNP receives 600 CRS points more & an ITA at a subsequent draw from the pool.
And a single applicant can get up to 260 points for high proficiency in English and French, whereas, a couple can earn up to 270 points.
The Express Entry Draw #107
The latest Express Entry draw held on 19th December’18, and for the first time in this year, an all program draw resulted in the CRS score below 440 points.
A total of 3,900 candidates were given the invitation to apply, bringing the total number of invitations in 2018 to date to 89,800, outstanding the ITAs of 86,022 in the whole of last year (2017). Thus, 2018 is a record year for the total no. of invitations issued.
Multiple candidates may have 439 CRS points; in that case, those candidates who have had a profile in the pool before 6th February 2018 at 19:31:37 UTC were prioritized.
The latest draw is conducted with a very less time-gap from the previous round of invitations, which held 7 days previously.
Since the next week includes the Christmas holiday period, the latest draw held on 19th December may turn out to be the final draw of the year, but this is not certain & more invitations could be issued before the New Year.
If you are among those in the Express Entry pool and are yet to receive an invitation to apply, please visit the Canada Immigration Consultants In Chennai.